CHAPTER 14. TRAFFICCHAPTER 14. TRAFFIC\Article 1. Standard Traffic Ordinance

There is hereby incorporated by reference for the purpose of regulating traffic within the corporate limits of the City of Linn Valley, Kansas, that certain standard traffic ordinance known as the “Standard Traffic Ordinance for Kansas Cities,” Edition of 2024 prepared and published in book form by the League of Kansas Municipalities, save and except such articles, sections, parts or portions as are hereafter omitted, deleted, modified or changed, such incorporation being authorized by K.S.A. 12-3009 through 12-3012, inclusive, as amended. One copy of said standard ordinance shall be marked or stamped “Official Copy as Incorporated by the Code of the City of Linn Valley, Kansas,” with all sections or portions thereof intended to be omitted or changed clearly marked to show any such omission or change and to which shall be attached a copy of said ordinance, and filed with the city clerk to be open to inspection and available to the public at all reasonable hours.

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord. 264)

That portion of Article 1, Section 1 which defines “Street or Highway” is hereby revised to read, in its entirety, as follows:

Street or Highway. The entire width between the boundary lines of every way publicly maintained when any part thereof is open to the use of the public for vehicular travel, and the entire width between the boundary lines of any privately owned road or other way used for vehicular traffic when the owner of record of that privately owned way has filed with the City Clerk an affidavit, in the case of an individual, or a certified enactment or writing, in the case of an entity, declaring the desire of said owner that said privately owned way shall for the purpose of the enforcement of the Standard Traffic Ordinance, be treated as a public way and said Standard Traffic Ordinance be enforced thereon in all respects as though it were a public way. Where the word “highway” or the word “street” is used in this ordinance, it shall mean street, avenue, boulevard, thoroughfare, trafficway, drive, lane, alley, and other way for vehicular travel by whatever name unless the context clearly indicates otherwise

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord. 264)

The definition of “All-Terrain Vehicle” in Section 1 is hereby revised by the addition of the following sentence:

       “The term All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) shall also include all vehicles commonly referred to as “go­ karts”, and “dirt bikes” which are not otherwise registered with the State of Kansas for use upon the public highways of the state.”

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord. 264)

Section 191 is hereby revised by the addition of the following sentence:

       “Every All-Terrain Vehicle, Work-Site Utility Vehicle, and Micro Utility Truck shall comply with Section 175, on noise prevention and mufflers. The noise from engine exhaust or muffler cannot exceed 90 decibels when measured from 500 feet from the vehicle.”

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord.264)

Section 192 is hereby revised by the addition of the following:

“Any person operating an All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) or golf cart upon privately owned streets to which this ordinance applies must be the holder of a valid driver's license, except that, no driver's license shall be required for the operation of an ATV or Golf Cart by any person under 16 years of age, provided that such operator shall either be accompanied on the ATV or golf cart by or within a 100 foot sight distance of an individual over the age of 18 years. Any person in violation of this Section who is 14 years of age or older can be issued a Notice to Appear in Linn Valley Municipal Court.

       In the event a person under the age of 14 is in violation of this Section, said person's parent or legal guardian may be issued a Notice to Appear in Linn Valley Municipal Court.”

“Any person operating a Work-Site Utility Vehicle, or Micro Utility Truck upon privately owned streets to which this ordinance applies, must be the holder of a valid driver's license. Any person in violation of this Section can be issued a Notice to Appear in Linn Valley Municipal Court.”

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250: Ord. 259; Ord. 264)

The terms of Section 198(a)(l) shall not apply to Golf Carts operating on any privately owned street to which this ordinance may apply.

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250: Ord. 259; Ord.264)

(a)   No All-Terrain Vehicle, Work-Site Utility Vehicle, Golf Cart, or Micro Utility Truck shall be operated within the City except on property owned by the vehicle’s owner or on private roads within the City. The operation of such vehicles shall be governed by all traffic laws and regulations applicable to motor vehicles within the City.

(b)   No All-Terrain Vehicle, Work-Site Utility Vehicle, Golf Cart, or Micro Utility Truck shall be operated from sunset to sunrise unless equipped with operable headlights and taillights, with white lights to the front and red lights on the rear, as required by law for motorcycles.

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord. 264)

(a)   An ordinance traffic infraction is a violation of any section of this ordinance that prescribes or requires the same behavior as that prescribed or required by a statutory provision that is classified as a traffic infraction in K.S.A. Supp. 8-2118.

(b)   All traffic violations which are included within this ordinance, and which are not ordinance traffic infractions as defined in subsection (a), shall be considered traffic offenses.

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord. 264)

The fine for violation of an ordinance traffic infraction or any other traffic offense for which the municipal judge establishes a fine in a fine schedule shall not be less than $10 nor more than $1000, except for speeding which shall not be less than $4 nor more than $500. A person tried and convicted for violation of an ordinance traffic infraction or other traffic offense for which a fine has been established in a schedule of fines shall pay a fine fixed by the court not to exceed $1000.

(Ord. 229; Code 2021; Ord. 241; Ord. 250; Ord. 259; Ord.264)