Prior to new construction of a dock, restoring, rebuilding, or replacement of an existing dock on any city lake or pond within the City of Linn Valley, all individuals or entities shall submit a City of Linn Valley building permit application. The application must include drawings outlining the specifications of the dock, a site plan showing location of the dock on the property, and a survey of the location property.
(Ord. 239)
The dock shall be built according to city building codes as follows:
(a) All docks must have a minimum of 120 square feet and a maximum of 450 square feet or surface area. No structure may extend into the lake more than 24 feet from the property shoreline or interfere with the use of water by watercraft on the lake.
(b) Minimum size for docks on the 10-acre lake and 7-acre lake is minimum of 64 square feet and maximum of 120 square feet.
(c) No private docks are allowed on the 5-acre lake or smaller bodies of water.
(d) Docks cannot exceed more than 50% of lake frontage in width.
(e) Docks must be permanently anchored to the shore in such a manner that they will not break loose. All docks must be attached to their respective shoreline at the centerline of the property.
(f) Docks must be identified with the property lot number using a minimum of 3-inch numbers. Numbers must be placed on the lake side of the dock.
(g) All material for building the docks and bunks must be of treated material and/or steel. Decking material must be treated wood material, composite material, lay-in concrete tiles, or an approved alternate material.
(h) Acceptable method of flotation is polyethylene tubs filled with polystyrene.
(i) Power to any dock must be GFI (ground fault interrupter) protected and installed in conduit underground.
(j) Dock covers shall not extend beyond the perimeter of the dock. The cover shall be 12 feet or less in height at the highest point from the floor of the dock.
(Ord. 239)
The City shall issue a building permit once the dock drawing and permit application are approved by the City and the permit fee is paid.
(Ord. 239)
The City shall issue no variance from the standard requirements unless for the specific purpose of a medical necessitating the said variance. The City shall have full discretion on whether to approve or disapprove a variance for a medical necessity.
(Ord. 239)
Any person who commences any work requiring a permit prior to obtaining the necessary permit shall be required to obtain a permit and be subject to a daily fine of no more than $100.00 a day, but not less than $25.00 a day, until such time as the proper permit is obtained.
(Ord. 239)