The intent of this district is to permit industrial uses, which do not require intensive land coverage; are not offensive due to obnoxious appearance, noise, dust, vibration, glare or odor and can be compatibly developed adjacent to surrounding districts and which is consistent with the needs and character of the City of Linn Valley. The following are the permitted uses:

A.    Uses Permitted:

1.    Animal hospitals or clinics

2.    Automobile repair and body shop

3.    Bottling works

4.    Building material (new) sales and storage, providing the storage is completely enclosed with a six (6) foot high solid or semi-solid fence or wall or is maintained entirely within a building

5.    Carpenter, cabinet, plumbing or sheet metal shops, providing the storage is completely enclosed with a six (6) foot high solid or semi-solid fence or wall or is maintained entirely within a building

6.    Contractor’s office and equipment storage yard, providing the storage yard is completely enclosed with a six (6) foot high solid or semi-solid fence, wall or hedge

7.    Dog kennels

8.    Dry cleaning and/or laundry plants

9.    Frozen food storage, warehousing and distribution facilities

10.  Greenhouses and nurseries, retail and wholesale

11.  Light manufacturing operation providing that such is not noxious or offensive by reason of vibration or noise beyond the confines of the building or emission of dust, fumes, gas odor or smoke

12.  Mini storage facilities

13.  Monument sales and manufacture

14.  Motor vehicle sales, services, repairs and painting

15.  New and used machinery sales, service repairs, painting and storage

16.  Public utility and public service uses as follows:

a.     Substations

b.    Telephone and telecommunication exchange and transmission buildings

c.     Public utility storage yards when the entire storage area is screened from public view by a fence or wall six (6) feet or greater in height.

17.  Service stations

18.  Sign printing and manufacturing

19.  Truck and rail terminals

20.  Upholstery shops

21.  Warehouses

22.  Wholesale merchandise sales and storage

B.    Maximum Building Height:  50 feet

C.    Minimum Lot Size:  ½ acre (21,780 square feet)

D.    Minimum Lot Width:  100 feet

E.    Maximum Lot Coverage:  50 percent

F.    Minimum Front Yard Setback:  35 feet

G.    Minimum Side Yard Setback:  15 feet

H.    Minimum Rear Yard Setback:  15 feet

I.     Miscellaneous Restrictions: 

1.    All applications for rezoning to the “I-1” District shall include a site plan drawn to scale containing the following information:

a.     The boundaries of the property, easements, rights-of-way, adjacent property and adjacent uses.

b.    The approximate location and size of all buildings, signs and other structures.

c.     The approximate location of all driveways, parking areas and landscaping.

d.    Any additional restrictions of the use of the property, including types of uses or operational limitations, beyond those already required by these regulations.

A record of each approved site plan shall be kept on file by the City Clerk.  No structure shall be erected, and no land or structure shall be used except in conformance with said site plan.

2.    All outdoor storage shall be screened and no storage shall exceed the height of the required screening.  Screening shall include a solid fence or wall at least six (6) feet in height and completely enclosing the area of land used for outdoor storage.  Such fence or wall shall be constructed of new materials, be uniform in color and texture and shall be maintained in good condition.  As a substitute for a solid fence or wall, the Planning Commission may approve dense evergreen vegetation for visual screening.  Where evergreen vegetation is approved for screening, such vegetation shall be maintained in good condition and shall be capable of reaching a height and density to provide a visual screen from all adjoining property within one (1) year.

3.    All Industrial operation requiring sanitation shall be served by public or on-site sanitation system constructed in compliance with the State of Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bulletin 4-2.

4.    All signs shall be in compliance with Article 14 of this Ordinance.

The following uses may be permitted by approval of a Special Use Permit as provided in Article 16 of this Ordinance subject to such conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission and adopted by Ordinance of the City Council to ensure the utility and value of adjacent property and the protection of the public health, safety and general welfare.

A.    Livestock auction sales

B.    Telecommunication towers, water towers and grain elevators

C.    Oilfield and Natural Gas supply sales and service stores and storage yards

D.    Electric power plants

E.    Propane, anhydrous ammonia or similar gas storage

F.    Gun clubs, trap and skeet ranges

G.    Food processing plants (human consumption)