The intent of this district is to provide for Agricultural and related uses; protect and preserve agricultural resources including timberland, wetlands and riparian/wildlife habitat, and to allow low density residential uses.

A.    Uses Permitted:

1.    Agricultural uses including the following:

a.     the raising, pasturing and feeding of animals (confined animal feed lots shall not be permitted)

b.    growing of crops, orchards, grove & timber

c.     the raising of fish, birds or poultry; and

d.    the necessary operations including storage, processing and sales of equipment, products, animals and farm commodities raised on the premises.

2.    Single family residential dwelling and detached accessory structures

3.    Greenhouses and nurseries

4.    Fish farms, including hatcheries

5.    Campgrounds

6.    Public and private wildlife habitats and reserves

7.    Accessory buildings and structures customarily incidental to any of the above uses.

B.    Maximum Building Height:  50 feet

C.    Minimum Lot Size:  10 acres

D.    Minimum Lot Width:  250 feet

E.    Maximum Lot Coverage:  None

F.    Minimum Front Yard Setback:  50 feet for residential structures; 75 feet for agricultural structures

G.    Minimum Side Yard Setback:  50 feet for residential structures; 75 feet for agricultural structures

H.    Minimum Rear Yard Setback:  50 feet for residential structures; 75 feet for agricultural structures

I.     Miscellaneous Restrictions:

1.    All residences shall be connected to a public sewer or an on-site sanitation system constructed in compliance with the State of Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bulletin 4-2.

2.    Any sign installed in the A-1 Zoning District shall be in compliance with the requirements set forth in Article14 of this Ordinance.